Winter 2022 schedule

Day & time: Mondays 12-1pm (unless otherwise noted)
Location: Zoom, and eventually also AP&M 2452 (unless otherwise noted)

1/3 planning meeting
1/10 Matt Goldrick (Northwestern), “Planning and articulation in multilingual speech
1/17 MLK Day (no meeting)
1/24 Shai Nielson, “Incorporating Signed Languages into Phonology & Phonetics Education”
1/31 Eric Baković and Wm. G. Bennett, “Faithfulness and Underspecification
2/7 Mark Simmons on glottal gestures in Nadëb
2/14 Yaqian Huang, “Articulation (and acoustics) of period doubling
2/21 President’s Day (no meeting)
2/28 Yuan Chai, “Survey of Checkedness
3/7 Preliminary findings from Maxine Van Doren‘s dissertation research