I think everyone in this group agrees that signed languages should be incorporated into linguistics education, so this isn’t going to be a talk about why this should be done (though I can answer that if need be). Instead, the hope is for this to be more of an informal discussion about how to start incorporating signed languages into our phonology and phonetics courses (and how to keep going with it). While I am by no means an expert on the topic, especially as a hearing L2 signer, it is my focus in research and in teaching. So, I can go over how I teach this content in LIGN7, what readings for students (undergrads and grads) and resources for instructors may be useful, and some concrete things we can all do to be inclusive in how we teach phonology & phonetics throughout our curricula. Everyone who attends is encouraged to ask questions, provide suggestions, and discuss ideas. This is not meant to be an exhaustive discussion but I hope for this to be a start and at least help us all feel a little more equipped to keep working towards an inclusive cross-modal education for all future linguists.